The Other Ambush: Standing Up for What’s Right when Sponsors Don’t

Normally, when the Olympics roll around, I’m having a field day picking apart sponsorship strategies and, in particular, analysing the ambush marketing activities. Truth be told, ambush marketing gets me a bit giddy, lying as it does at the intersection of strategy and troublemaking. But this time around, the ambushers… Read More

Cover Girl? How the Heck did THAT Happen?

A funny thing happened when I got back from overseas a couple of weeks ago. I checked my email and there was one from a journalist I worked with on a story for Successful Meetings. It had a link to the magazine and article online. I clicked it, and there… Read More

Sponsorship Lie #212: “There’s Still Time!”

One of the first things I do every day is check out what’s happening on LinkedIn. It’s such a great resource for advice and networking in our industry. One of the things I found this morning, however, was just a big fat lie. “There is still time to sponsor our… Read More

Sponsorship Measurement: Attributing Sales to Sponsorship

How do we know someone purchased our product or service because of the sponsorship? That’s a good question, but there is unfortunately no easy answer. That said, I’m going to give you all I’ve got. So, here are the strategies I use to attribute sales to sponsorship. Get realistic The… Read More

Non-Profits, Watch Your (Sponsorship) Language!

I see a lot of sponsorship proposals from non-profits and I interact with many in workshops, and as clients. Something that is both counterproductive and alarmingly consistent is the use of seemingly positive terms that are, in fact, big red flags to sponsors. Below, I’ve outlined three of the worst… Read More