Looking for a sponsorship broker or agency? Someone to sell sponsorship on your behalf?
The bad news is that there are more people looking for brokers than there are good brokers. The good news is that we have a broker registry, so at least you have a place to start.
We do not endorse any of these brokers, but are providing this list as a service to rightsholders. Do your homework, drop them a line, and ask good questions. We strongly recommend you read both of these blogs, as they will give you a good understanding about what to look for and what to avoid.
Sponsorship Experts
Damon Hill
Phone: +61 411 669 910
Email: [email protected]
Web: sponsorshipexperts.com.au
Specialties: Sport, events
Sponsorship IQ
James Cregeen
Phone: +61 423 647 799
Email: [email protected]
Web: sponsorshipiq.com
Specialties: Exhibitions, festivals, live events
Partnership Solutions
Greg Tremain
Phone: +61 414 727 712
Email: [email protected]
Web: partnershipsolutions.com.au
Specialties: Music, sports, entertainment
Sponsorship Central
Deborah Jones
Phone: +1 604 617 2327
Email: [email protected]
Web: sponsorshipcentral.ca
Specialties: Arts, sports, B2B
Walter Willett Consulting
Walter Willett
Phone: +1 613 716 9373
Email: [email protected]
Web: walterwillett.com
Specialties: Not-for-profits, business conferences, trade shows
Backers & Co
Jerry Loo
Phone: +65 9030 0900
Email: [email protected]
Web: backers.com.sg
Specialties: Arts, entertainment, business technology
H. Alper Koç
Phone: +90 545 396 2490
Email: [email protected]
Web: anasponsor.com
Specialties: Sports, arts, entertainment
RTR Sports Marketing Ltd
Riccardo Tafa
Phone: +44 20 7193 9706
Email: [email protected]
Web: rtrsports.com
Specialties: Sports, arts, entertainment
Interactive Sponsor (operates both US and UK)
Metin Odemis
Phone: US +1 949 209 9645, UK+44 203 290 9645
Email: [email protected]
Web: interactivesponsor.com
Specialties: Sports, entertainment, fashion
Mile Zero, Inc
Matt Brant
Email: [email protected]
Web: milezeroinc.com
Phone: +1 847 636 8624
Specialties: Food and music festivals, non-profits, government
Priority Partnerships
Dan Scheinman
Email: [email protected]
Web: prioritypartnerships.com
Phone: +1 503 710 4162
Specialties: Sports, entertainment, data insights
Jackson Sports Marketing LLC
Robert Jackson
Email: [email protected]
Web: jacksonsportsmktg.com
Phone: +1 910 639 5000
Specialties: Sports, festivals, charity events
Sports, Sponsorships and Events Consulting LLC
Garrett Shea
Email: [email protected]
Web: gosponsorship.com
Phone: +1 732 991 9636
Specialties: Sports, events
Green Cactus LLC
Teresa Stas
Email: [email protected]
Web: greencactusca.com
Phone: +1 559 598 7575
Specialties: Music, running, professional development
Interactive Sponsor (operates both US and UK)
Metin Odemis
Phone: US +1 949 209 9645, UK+44 203 290 9645
Email: [email protected]
Web: interactivesponsor.com
Specialties: Sports, entertainment, fashion
Live Strategies Group
Jason Badell
Email: [email protected]
Web: livestrategiesgroup.com
Phone: +1 801 910 2772
Specialties: Sports, non-profit, government
LRL Racing LLC
Lloyd Leitstein
Email: [email protected]
Web: lrlracing.com
Phone: +1 804 382 9220
Specialties: Motorsports, esports
Fox Run Group
Angelo Scialfa
Email: [email protected]
Web: foxrungroup.com
Phone: +1 609 259 1910
Specialties: Sports, entertainment, festivals
Are you a broker? Would you like to be included in this list? We list only companies that clearly offer sponsorship broker services as a major part of their business, and we vet every new broker application.
If you are a sponsorship broker or agency and want to be listed on the broker register, please contact us with the following information:
If you have multiple offices serving multiple countries/regions, please submit separate details for all of the offices who want to participate.
There is absolutely no fee for this service. All we ask is that brokers who are listed agree to provide a link on their website to Power Sponsorship (www.powersponsorship.com). Please don’t imply affiliation or endorsement. Most brokers link with wording such as, “For lots of best practice sponsorship how-to, check out PowerSponsorship.com”.
We will let you know when we’re ready to post your listing, but not post your information until we’ve verified that you’ve posted a link to us. You’re welcome to hold off on posting that link until after we’ve confirmed you’ll be listed. If you don’t have a website, you will not be featured on this list. Fair’s fair.
Please note, we reserve the right not to accept a listing from any individual or company.