Sponsorship Video Tutorials

As part of my commitment to upskilling the industry, I’ve have developed a series of short tutorials spanning a range of sponsorship topics.

These fast-and-furious tutorials get straight to the point, providing expert insights and practical advice that makes best practice the most sensible and effective option. Below, you’ll find my blockbuster tutorial, Sponsorship Proposal Basics in About 15 Minutes. You’ll also find a longer ask-me-anything done in April 2020, with lots of good information, including answers to many COVID- and recession-related questions.

The BIG news is that I’ve recently started posting short, ask-me-anything videos on the Power Sponsorship YouTube channel. These are being posted weekly, so head over to check them out and subscribe, so you don’t miss any!



Sponsorship Proposal Basics in About 15 Minutes

In this video tutorial, I show you how to create a sponsorship proposal that will stand out, increase your value, and give you the best possible chance of getting a “yes” from sponsors.



Sponsorship Ask-Me-Anything with Kim Skildum-Reid

In April 2020, I did a live sponsorship ask-me-anything, with participants from all over the world. Topics were largely, but not entirely, COVID- and recession-related, and included…

  • Pandemic’s effect on sponsorship best practice (for sponsors and rightsholders)
  • Sponsorship sales during pandemic and recession
  • Sponsorship retention during pandemic
  • Sponsorship valuation – How to get better proposals
  • How are sponsorship contracts going to change, as a result of COVID
  • Valuing digital vs physical sponsorship benefits
  • Sponsorship make-goods
  • Finding the right sponsorship contact

Video isn’t HD, as some participants had an issue with bandwidth, working from home.