In-house Sponsorship Training

I will teach you to be great at sponsorship

With huge advances in technology and data, the sponsorship game was already changing. Then COVID upended the fan experience, reframed how sponsorship adds value to all manner of fans, brands, and customers, and made contingency planning a primary focus of strategies.

Sponsors need to be nimbler and more responsive than ever. They need to understand the real, expanded scope of sponsorship, fan and customer priorities, what benefits are most leverageable, and how to turn that enormous potential into real, measurable results for their brands.

Rightsholders are facing a buyers’ market, and greatly increased sponsor expectations. Getting the right offers to the right people has always been critical, but what comprises an offer worthy of consideration has changed a lot. Sponsorship success requires new skills, more creativity, and a far broader understanding of the real value to sponsors.

Training your team and broader stakeholders is a great way to jumpstart a far more successful sponsorship program, and it’s exactly what I do.


Sponsorship training with Kim Skildum-Reid

I love sponsorship, and building organisational capacity around sponsorship is my favourite part of the job. I don’t just want you to learn a few skills. My goal is for your organisation to be confidently self-sufficient, fully leveraging sponsorship’s potential, and able to effectively respond to whatever changes this industry may throw at you.

Whether it’s one intensive session for your frontline staff, or a series of sessions, aimed at various stakeholder groups, I’ll work with you to develop a fully-customised training program that creates vision, addresses your challenges, sets out how to maximise your results, and builds buy-in.

Stakeholder groups could include:

  • Frontline sponsorship and brand management, who need both the big picture, and the granular skills, to make sponsorship work again
  • Broader stakeholders, who need to understand the basics of how sponsorship works, so they can integrate it into their areas of the business
  • Regional management, who need skills and tools that are appropriate to their portfolios, and for making the national portfolio come to life in the regions
  • Senior management and board, who need a vision and rationale from a trusted industry professional, so you get the buy-in you need for your new approach


Who will benefit?

I bring passion and commitment into every jam-packed training session, balancing big ideas, great case studies, and scrappy strategies, all amply demonstrated with live work on your sponsorships. If you’re just looking for a talking head, hire someone else!

Ideal for sponsors that want to…

  • Unlock the approach and angles to reinvigorate your sponsorship results
  • Inspire confidence that sponsorship can still deliver against KPIs
  • Instil an efficient, effective approach that will scale, when times get better
  • Position sponsorship as a powerful marketing tool, not a luxury spend

Ideal for rightsholders that want to…

  • Reframe sponsorship offers for maximum revenue and retention
  • Keep sponsors engaged, while your offer isn’t at full strength
  • Find and optimise your most valuable sponsorship benefits
  • Expand your sponsor hit list, and their hot buttons
  • Give yourself a competitive advantage that will only accelerate, as the economy picks up

And while sponsorship training with me isn’t a substitute for strategy work, it’s fast, cost-effective, and will give you a huge running start on developing and implementing a new strategy for your organisation.

If you want to augment a training program, it can also be done in conjunction with one or more strategy sessions, an online resource hub, or a coaching package.


You’re in good hands

I’ve written the bestselling books in the industry, worked with blue chip clients all over the world, and kept my clients on the cutting edge of sponsorship for three decades.

Many training clients are repeats, either freshening their teams’ skills or getting new recruits up to speed. I’m also brought into new companies, as previous clients change roles. Most of the rest of my training clients are referrals. Check out…



If you want to discuss sponsorship training, please drop me a line and tell me a bit about your organisation and what you have in mind. We can then set up a phone or Zoom meeting to discuss, before I put together a proposal for you.


Enquire now