Blog, White Paper, & Template Reprints

All of Kim Skildum-Reid’s sponsorship blogs, white papers, templates, and other content is copyright, and copyright is strictly enforced.

We do comprehensive checks for copyright breaches and plagiarism and will take all steps necessary to stop any instances of copyright breach, including issuing a DCMA Takedown Request, and in some instances, embarking on legal action. You really don’t want any of that, so please behave yourself with our resources.

We do not allow “deep linking” to downloadable white papers and tools. What does that mean? You may not post the direct download link for those tools or white papers on your website. You are free to provide a link to the White Papers & Templates page or the home page.


If you are interested in reprinting one or more of these resources, please contact us with the following information:

  • Name of the resource you want to reprint.
  • Where/how you want to publish it (eg, magazine, guest blog, static content for a website, course materials, etc).
  • What is the circulation/readership/viewership?
  • When you would like to reprint.
  • Will a translation be required? If so, who will do the translation?

We will review the information and get back to you within a few days. If approved, we will require that you feature an author byline, blurb (we will supply), and link to We will also require notification and a link to, and/or PDF of, the published material.


We do not allow syndication of Kim Skildum-Reids blog (reproduction of all blogs on another website).

You are welcome to republish the title and first few lines of any of Kim’s blogs, provided your website is primarily directed toward the sponsorship, marketing, event, fundraising, cultural, or sports business communities, and the title links to the original blog on


Feel free to drop us a line.